Parenting Beyond the (Gender) Binary

Beth Rich

“Parenting Beyond the (Gender) Binary” is a conversation about bringing gender expansive ideas and practices to our parenting, no matter what the specifics look like. Whether you’ve been a parent for decades, hope to parent in the future, already know you’re a parent of a trans or gender non-conforming person, chose to assign a sex/gender to your kids at birth or didn’t, this workshop will focus on moving beyond gender inclusion as something “out there” in the world and bringing gender liberation into our homes, families, and parenting. I’ll teach from my perspective as a white, trans non-binary parent who chose not to assign a gender to my kid, and will hold space for and do my best to see and acknowledge the many (valid and wonderful) approaches to gender expansive parenting, as well as the many ways our identities shape our experiences and philosophies as parents.

Presentation Slides

Resources Mentioned

Oyo D. Unicorn

I am the Chief Mascot Officer at Out Youth!


Harm Reduction for LGBTQ+ Youth


Raising Trans, Non-Binary and Gender Non-Conforming Children