Being an Ally to Transgender, Non-Binary and Gender Nonconforming Students
Being an Ally to Transgender, Non-Binary and Gender Nonconforming Students... that's quite a title for a little workshop, but this might be one instance where it's easier done than said. Teachers and school personnel are in a unique position to be able to support all students, regardless of how their parents or legal guardians might feel about questions of gender identity and expression. In this conversation Austin Independent School District's Community Equity and Inclusion Coordinator, Shane Whalley, will share some of hir emerging strategies for creating learning environments that are spaces where all students can thrive, inclusive of their genders.
Presentation Slides
Resources Mentioned
Stories and Numbers Project (Website with resources and research about LGBTQ+ inclusion and acceptance in schools)
Trans Student Educational Resources (Inforgraphics)
Gender Terminology (Graphic from GLSEN)
Gender-Neutral Pronoun Practice (Activity)
Creating Positive and Inclusive Athletic Environments for Transgender and Gender Expansive Student Athletes (Resource from the NCAA)
Trans Athlete Policies by Athletic Organization (List from
Arizona Interscholastic Association Transgender Athlete Policy (Page 150)
"No Promo Homo" Laws (Article from GLSEN)
Texas No Promo Homo Law (85.007) (Texas Statute)
Texas No Promo Homo Law (163.002) (Texas Statute)
Schools in Transition: A Guide to Supporting Transgender Students in K-12 Schools Model District Policy on Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students (Guide from the Human Rights Campaign)