Anna Nguyen

Anna is a Vietnamese American transgender woman, software engineer, longtime Austinite, activist for LGBTQiA+ and human rights causes.

Anna is currently an Advisory Engineer at IBM.

She is the current president of PFLAG Austin and has served on its all-volunteers board for six years.

PFLAG is a national nonprofit that unites LGBTQiA+ people and their family and allies to support, educate, and advocate.

She also volunteers with several other LGBTQiA+ organizations as well as with Meals On Wheels Central Texas.

Assigned male at birth, Anna started her gender journey in 2013 and transitioned fully in 2014.

In 2019, she was the LGBT Female Grand Marshal of the Austin Pride Parade.

In 2018, she was awarded the Daughters of Bilitis award by Queer Women in Leadership.

In 2016, the Austin Chronicle named her one of the "Top Ten Queer Heroes".

Anna grew up in Saigon, Vietnam, migrated to England as a war refugee, lived in NYC for many years, and settled in Austin in 1992.

Oyo D. Unicorn

I am the Chief Mascot Officer at Out Youth!


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Andrea Segovia